the new mascot finalists


Mighty Oaks invoke our school’s history and origin, having grown over the decades from seeds to a robust, far-reaching community. The Mighty Oaks stand for pride in Oakwood School’s legacy and our enduring care for the future. Oak trees are known for their strength and endurance, but they are also of service: offering shade, shelter, places to play, and materials to build with. They stand for sustainability and a globally-minded way of being. With strong roots, Mighty Oaks are resolute in the face of challenges, giving rise to countless possibilities for growth.


Orcas are majestic stewards of the vast seas, a powerful symbol for the way an Oakwood education prepares students for a world of opportunities. They have highly developed senses to perceive and understand the world around them. Orcas are social animals that live all over the world, retaining unbreakable bonds with one another. They stand for teamwork, striving as one, and being humble in victory. Orcas move with grace and undeniable power, always unwavering in pursuit of their goals. They are intelligent and playful animals that shine with creativity. Orcas speak with a singular voice, but they strive towards excellence together.


Owls are symbols of knowledge and lifelong learning, possessing extraordinary vision and seeing the world from a 360-degree view. They come in many different shapes and sizes, and like Oakwood students, they proudly display the qualities that make them unique. As true individuals, they are unconventional and free-thinkers, yet they play a vital role in maintaining the health and balance of their environments. While serene, Owls are also fierce and powerful predators. When opportunities arise, Owls take flight and soar into action with focus and determination. They are wise, energized, and always ready to show off their best.